nurture sequence workbook

Our Nurture Sequence Workbook is a short and sweet guidebook that walks you through creating a 5 part email nurture sequence designed to engage, connect, and convert leads into customers.


Nurture sequences and sales funnels… two terms that strike fear into many!

But they don’t have to be stressful, overwhelming or time consuming.

We’ve put this email nurture sequence guidebook together to help you totally nail your nurture sequences, and bid farewell to wasting time thinking about what to write!

Nurture Sequence Ebook

Inside you’ll find:

  • an easily followed method for determining the goals and key components of your nurture sequence;
  • the order everything should go in; and
  • templates for crafting your nurture sequence emails.

We’ve broken it all down to make it super easy for you to engage, connect, and convert your customers time and time again!

Dive in and start creating your perfect nurture sequence!